grateful to him.

Thank you very much sir. I got my wrist broken due to an accident with my car. I came to know about specialization of Dr.Vikas Gupta from internet. So,I decided to have an appointment with the doctor from the appointment to surgery and then followups,everything was very good. I am working as a gynaecologist from last 20 years. I then Dr.Vikas Gupta from deepest part of my heart for sining my wrist back to working.
Nirmal Kaur

R. Sharma

Aneesh Kapur

By Dr.Vikas Gupta
Since almost 18 months I had been suffering from stiff elbow because of long term immobization of elbow as a result of both bone forearm fracture . I was also having pain in elbow & tingling sensation in little finger of my left hand.
I visited many orthopaedic hand surgeons in pune & Mumbai but none was able to diagnose an give proper advice to alleviate the pain & stiffness. It was only after I came to delhi and consulted Dr.Gupta that I was assured by him that after surgery elbow motion shall increase and tingling in hand will be relieved.
I went ahead with the treatment suggested by him and then after 2 months of physiotherapy I am already feeling good. The stiffness in elbow has reduced significantly . The whole team at Dr. Gupta ‘s hand2shoulderclinic is very helpful and supported us throughout the course of treatment.
Shailesh S. Kulkarni

The pain is also reduced.
I am thankful to Dr.Viaks Gupta and his team for my operation and case they provided.

Lakshay Sethi
Right Wrist Surgery (scaphoid)

I am very thankful to Dr.Gupta and his all staff.

Sunita sharma

Thanks Dr.Vikas Gupta
Asharfi Ray

Dr.Gupta explained me the whole procedure and informed tht my hospital stay would be 2 days with maximum rwest time for 2 weeks. I was admitted on 17th aug 2019 and operated on the same days. I thas been 3 months since the operation and apart from the surgery day I had no pain my hand wrist. For the past 3 months I have been met hadically taken plan by Dr.Gupta and his team by which not only I am pain free but also my normal routine life is back on track. The remarkable thing is that Dr.Gupta gave me 3 months for full recovery and same has happened I want to thank Dr.Gupta and his team for their treatment and care and for being true to their words.

I had got injured one year back on my hand and despite visiting many doctors, there are no respite. Than I was referred by Dr. Mahajan to Dr.Vikas Gupta and I first paid visit on 30/4/2019.
Dr.Gupta is very good and keeping in view my age and physical cpndition properly explained the way forward and suggested that surgery will be the least option.
His behavior and confidence helped me a lot and past surgery I have seen visible improvements in my hand functions. Moreover his knowledge, experience and counselling have made the whole healing process very easy.
I am very grateful to him and wish him further success in life.
Asha Bhargava

I had fallen in the bathroom and my bone was broken at the joint of wrist and hand. I was operated by Dr.Vikas Gupta on 1.3.2018. Bones were fixed with the help of a plate only after a few followup visits. I Was completely well and started doing all my activities including driving, subsequently, after a few months, I started to exercise, swimming, yoga, etc. Presently I am perfectly well thanks to Dr.gupta for his care.
My family will always remember Dr.gupta and his support along with his team.(Mr.sutish)

Dr.vikas Gupta

the surgery.
Thanks, Dr.Gupta

After that, someone had suggested me to visit the max hospital and asked to consult with Dr.Vikas Gupta. I met and consulted with Dr.Gupta and he had suggested for a surgery.i would say he is polite by nature and has very in-depth knowledge in his medical profession. After surgery, I had regular follow
Ups with Dr.Vikas Gupta and I would say that I am now fit and my wrist is working properly in just 3 months only. Now I can ride a bike, can do exercises in the gym and all works very fine.
Thanks to Dr.Vikas Gupta and his team.

My sincere thanks and gratitude to Dr.vikas Gupta and the team.

He assumed of some concrete procedures to be followed for gaining back the movement and after initial 2 months of suspension, I went arthrolyusis and partial implant removal surgery under him on July 19 subsequently after undergoing physiotherapy for another 2 months, gradually my active R.O.M.improved to 50-110 degree (passive range till 125 degrees). He has also given detailed guidelines to get back the remaining range and I am quite confident about the same.
I am extremely grateful to Dr.Gupta and his entire group of support staff for making me functional again and giving a new lease of life.

And the surgery in my right hand was done in February 2018 I am suffering the muscle that had been lost. Hope to recover it complete. I thank a lot for his treatment & guidance.

I was feeling perfectly alright within a few days of the surgery. In around 4 weeks time I was able to perform my normal activities (in merchant Navy).
I am really thankful to him

“I had fractured my scaphoid bone in England and I had been consulting Doctors in England for 4 months during which time my hand was in a cast. I came to consult Dr. Vikas Gupta at AIIMS after a few other Doctors in Delhi had diagnosed that the fracture hadn’t healed and part of the bone had started to die. Dr. Vikas suggested a vascular bone graft surgery, which I had read previously would provide the best chances for a successful union of the fracture and a full recovery. Dr. Gupta took personal interest in the post surgery followups and physiotherapy and I was able to fully use my wrist within a month of cast being removed from my hand. I am really glad to have consulted and met Dr. Gupta. The care and attention he gave to me and my case in the very busy environment of AIIMS was exemplary. I wish him all the success in his future endeavours and hope he can help many more with the personal care and attention he gives to all his patients.
I was feeling perfectly alright within a few days of the surgery. In around 4 weeks time I was able to perform my normal activities (in merchant Navy).
I am really thankful to him

Two months after the surgery, I am almost normal and after months, I am back to work. Looking back, these 15 months have been the most difficult. It was for the first time I was so dependent on my family for everything. As I continue taking two tablets daily, as part of my TB treatment, I already feel fitter and better.

A very qualified and learned doctor and I felt in safe hands after I met him. Scaphoid of my wrist was broken and there are only few doctors who could cure it. After the operation and physiotherapy, I am almost back to full flow.

I got scared as far as my knowledge of scaphoid fracture was that it is notorious for nonunion (not uniting) and avascular necrosis (bone becoming dead). These thought are like nightmare for neurosurgeon. It was then a came to know about Dr Vikas Gupta who was fixing these fractures percutaneously (without opening fracture) with screws. When I approached him he was confident that he would be able to fix my scaphoid with this minimally invasive technique and scheduled the surgery next day. Later I came to know that he was first person to fix scaphoid percutaneously in India. . I was able to start operating within 3 weeks of surgery. Presently I don’t have any complaints in my right wrist. I wish Dr Vikas Gupta all the best for all his future endeavors.