Shoulder pain is one of the most common presenting symptoms of patients attending outpatients department in the department of orthopedics. There are more than 30 causes ( but common one is frozen shoulder, tendinitis, bursitis most of these conditions require careful examination and treated with medication and supervised physiotherapy.
At Hand2Shoulder Clinic doctors are supported by the excellent physiotherapist who mobilizes joints and strengthens and recruits muscle to achieve painless movements of joint.
Some of the patients with shoulder pain would have rotator cuff injury or instability of the shoulder. These patients after careful examination and thorough investigation would require surgery. Nowadays we perform a minimally invasive technique or keyhole surgery in almost all cases which also called arthroscopic surgery.
Shoulder arthroscopy is now a routine procedure for shoulder ailments like rotator cuff injury, recurrent shoulder dislocations or any other type of shoulder instability.
At Hand2Shoulder Clinic we perform all kind of arthroscopic surgeries of shoulder. Below is a link of arthroscopic rotator cuff repair of one of the patients.
This patient had a complete tear of rotator cuff muscles because of which patient was having severe pain in the shoulder and unable to lift arm, within few weeks patient was pain-free and after 4 months of surgery and rehabilitation patient was able to lift arm and perform overhead activities.
To know about general information about shoulder pain visit American Academy of Orthopaedic Association website link
If you are patient or relative seeking medical opinion email: or Call/SMS +91-9899104263
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